All ministries are scheduled through Ministry Scheduler Pro software. This scheduling software allows you to personalize your availability based on your schedule. To sign up for MSP please go HERE.
We have been given unique gifts and talents by God. Using our gifts to serve creates environments for others to experience God’s presence. We invite you to join us by serving in one (or more) of the ministries below. The ministries range in time commitments from 15 minutes to an hour. Is it our goal to be a community that welcomes both our current parishioners and visitors, to experience God's love. The ministry consists of Hospitality, Operations, Welcome, Traffic, as well as all Liturgical ministers of the community. These ministers will serve at various points throughout the campus before, during, and after the liturgy.
We invite you to read over the descriptions of our current weekend ministries below. To begin the next step:
HOSPITALITY Minister's duties and procedures:
They will serve at one of several locations throughout the campus, both inside and outside. They will perform a variety of roles. They are asked to arrive 45 minutes prior to the start of mass. Those serving in the parking lot, are among the first line of welcome that people experience. The hospitality minister that is stationed in the church will assist people in finding seats as necessary, they will guide people who request a restroom and they will remind guests to wear their masks at all times. Hospitality ministers will collect the offertory. Hospitality ministers will help guide the parishioners through the communion distribution. They will remain in their assigned station throughout the entire Mass welcoming any late arrivals with the same enthusiastic welcome given to all. At the conclusion of Mass, they will be outside to greet people as they exit. This ministry opportunity can include both indoor and outdoor hospitality. At the conclusion of mass, ministers will place the bulletins on the tables for those that wish to take one.All Eucharistic Ministers will arrive by 8:30 AM. There will be four EM’s who will serve two designated posts during communion. Two will serve at the front of the church and at the conclusion of distribution will then proceed outside to distribute Mass to those who have opted to receive outside. The distribution will happen in all types of weather. The remaining two ministers will serve in the back of the church and at the conclusion of distribution in the church will then proceed to the parish center to distribute to those in that worship space.
All Lectors are to arrive by 8:45 am. Lectors are asked to read the Sunday readings prior to arrival at mass.
Sacristan is asked to arrive by 8:30 am. They will prepare materials for communion including the items needed for the drive-through communion. Sacristan will remain until the completion of the drive-through communion and purify all the vessels used for that distribution as well.
Upon the completion of mass, all cleaning ministers will obtain gloves and supplies from the storage room in the parish offices. There will be two designated people who will gather the cleaning machines (“ghostbuster” backpack) to spray each pew of the church.
While the spray is going on, there will be four people needed to wipe down the door handles of the front church door, the chapel entrance, the north door, the parish center to the church door, and the parish center doors. After the church is sprayed, that group of people will go into church and wipe down the doors of the inside of the church as well as the pews?
The “ghostbusters” will then proceed to the parish center to spray down the chairs in that room. The crew will then enter there and wipe down those chairs as well.
Media Ministers are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass to begin set up for the hot spots and prepare for the liturgy.
We are inviting you to take the next step to serve at St. Ambrose.
To begin the next step: